All Events
Power and Ideology: What Sexism Tells Us about Negotiating Power
Nickola Overall
SAGE Lecture by Anjan Chaterjee
Anjan Chaterjee
Tanya Luhrman
SAGE Lecture by Fiery Cushman
Fiery Cushman
Sage Lecture by Richard Davidson
Richard Davidson
CPCN Seminar Series
Dr. Nina Rouhani
SAGE Lecture by Rachel Jack
Rachel Jack
CPCN Seminar Series
Prof. Philippe Schyns
SOC Seminar Series
Dr. Benedek Kurdi
CPCN Seminar Series
Graduate Student Talks: Alison Li & Parsa Madinei
SAGE Lecture by Moran Cerf
Moran Cerf
Effects of Chronic and Acute Cannabis Use on Memory
Carrie Cuttler, Ph.D.
Event Sponsor: Neuroscience and Behavior
How Meaningful Learning Works: My 50-Year Quest
Richard E. Mayer, Psychological and Brain Sciences, 2020-2021 Recipient
How Economics Discovered Women
Shelly Lundberg, Economics, 2021-2022 Recipient
[N&B Seminar] The AII amacrine cell: A versatile, multitasking interneuron in the retina
Dr. Jeffery Diamond, Ph.D.
Event Sponsor: PBS and The Neuroscience Research Institute and the Dynamical Neuroscience Program
[NAB Seminar] The Association Cortex Spatial Transformation Network
Andy Alexander
Event Sponsor: MCDB, N&B, NRI & DYNS
[NAB Seminar] It’s about time: neural circuitry of affect regulation
Regina Lapate, Ph.D.