
The SAGE Center for the Study of the Mind at the University of California, Santa Barbara is a catalyst for interdisciplinary study of the relationship of brain and mind powered by new advanced analytical technologies and tools in physics, chemistry, molecular biology and genetics, engineering and mathematics.

The Research Center for Virtual Environments and Behavior is a multi-disciplinary research organization at the University of California, Santa Barbara devoted to understanding the complex interplay of computer-generated virtual environments and human behavior.

The Brain Imaging Center supports basic research in neuroscience dedicated to understanding the structure, function and dynamical properties of the human brain. The BIC houses a state-of-the-art Siemens Prisma 3T scanner bay and a staff of researchers dedicated to improving methods for acquiring and analyzing fMRI, EEG, TMS, DSI, and NIRS. UCSB faculty, post docs, and graduate students are using the BIC to study the neural basis of attention, memory, motor control, spatial navigation, mind wandering and more.

The University of California, Santa Barbara has developed one of the largest and most active communities of researchers in evolutionary psychology and allied disciplines in the world. To provide support for research and comprehensive training in this area, and to facilitate multidisciplinary and multi-university collaboration, UCSB has established the Center for Evolutionary Psychology.

The Center for Mindfulness & Human Potential uses rigorous science to create life-changing training programs. We identify innovative ways to increase the effectiveness of mindfulness training, particularly in high schools. Our research also tests the limits of how rapidly and substantially a person can change.