PBS Alumni Career Panel
Annual ENGAGE Event Providing Access to PBS Alumni
Not sure what to do after graduation? Need some ideas on what you can do with your PBS degree?
Friday, Feb. 28th various events from 11:30 am - 5:30 pm
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Susan Persky, NIH
Time & Location: 11:30 am - 1:00 pm in the Sage Room (PSY 1312)
Talk Title: Psychological Science X Virtual Reality: A Formula for Health Innovation
Link to Abstract Link to Keynote Speaker RSVP
Alumni Panel Discussions from 3:30 - 4:30 pm in Psychology & Psychology East
Careers in Advising and Student Affairs (Psych 1312)
Careers in Healthcare (Psych1902)
Careers in Business and Technology (Psych 1924)
Careers in Academic Research and Teaching (Psych East 3834)
Link to Alumni Panel Discussions RSVP:
There are four concurrent panels, please register for one of the panels and join us for a conversation with alumni. They will talk about career paths, give advice on how to get started, and take questions from the audience. Registration is free and required.
Alumni, Faculty, & Student Mixer 4:30 - 5:30 pm in the Psychology Courtyard
Link to Alumni Student Mixer RVSP: https://forms.gle/LHasR9oHFXDWEouY7
All events are free thanks to the generous support of the PBS Alumni Council.
Students who have attended share that this was an event that was very meaningful, saying “I got great advice based on graduate school and what they look for when hiring for jobs. I got to hear real stories of real people and how psychology reaches so many people.”