
The graduate program in Cognition, Perception, and Cognitive Neuroscience (CPCN) is concerned with how humans perceive, remember, think, learn, and act upon the world..

Faculty and graduate students working and studying in the area of Developmental and Evolutionary Psychology are concerned with the developmental and evolutionary origins of human thought and behavior..

The graduate program in Neuroscience and Behavior offers a balance between basic research and practical laboratory training in contemporary behavioral and systems neuroscience. A relatively small sized program with excellent research facilities, the Neuroscience and Behavior program provides a student with a personal approach to a high quality graduate education.

The graduate program in Social Psychology at UCSB trains experimental social psychologists for research and teaching positions in academic settings. The program offers a balance between theory-oriented basic research and problem-oriented applied research
Many psychology faculty also interact with and conduct research in research programs affiliated with the department. These programs typically adopt a multi-disciplinary and/or interdisciplinary approach to understanding an important topic or set of topics, offering further opportunities for cutting edge scholarship at the interstices of related fields.
Center for Stem Cell Biology and Engineering
The mission of the UCSB Center for Stem Cell Biology and Engineering is to foster an interdisciplinary program of stem cell research and teaching in the emerging field of regenerative medicine.
Cognitive Science
Cognitive science is an interdisciplinary field that has emerged during the past few decades at the intersection of a number of existing disciplines, including psychology, linguistics, computer science, philosophy, and neuroscience.
Neuroscience Research Institute
An interdisciplinary research unit dedicated to revealing basic biological processes in neuroscience.
Vision Science
A resource for research in human and animal vision. Students, visitors, and faculty are engaged in advanced research related to computer vision, medical image analysis, computer graphics, and bioinformatics.
Dynamical Neuroscience
Dynamical Neuroscience is an interdisciplinary field focused on the study of how the nervous system generates perception, behavior and cognition. A complete understanding of human behavior and brain function requires a multifaceted approach that includes the construction of formal computational models that can be tested against neural recordings of cells, circuits and large-scale neural networks.
UCSB Neuroscience
An interdisciplinary group of UCSB neuroscience researchers spanning departments and institutes.