Cynthia Delgado

Graduate Student
Richard MayerResearch Area
Cognition, Perception, and Cognitive Neuroscience
Cynthia is a SoCal native and first-generation college student. Cynthia received her bachelor’s degree in Psychology and her master’s degree in Psychological Science from California State University, Northridge. She is an incoming PhD student and will be joining Dr. Richard Mayer’s lab in Fall 2022.
Cynthia’s research aims to investigate the factors that impact learning outcomes, such as learning a new task or skill development in wearable technologies. Cynthia is interested in examining the potential factors that may hinder learning outcomes (e.g., cognitive overload) and those that facilitate learning outcomes (e.g., sense of presence). In addition, she is interested in applying various generative learning strategies to explore which strategies are most appropriate to improve learning outcomes in wearable technologies such as Virtual Reality systems.