Honors Program
The Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences (PBS) hosts a departmental Honors Program. This is not the same Honors Program offered by the College of Letters & Science, but more information about the College’s Honors Program can be found on their website. Students are welcome to join both programs, yet they would enroll separately in each program. All PBS honors courses may be applied toward the Letters & Science Honors Program.
The intention of the PBS Honors Program is to provide additional opportunities for motivated students enrolled in the Department’s majors. Enrollment is by application to the department. Students are able to apply during any quarter.
The PBS Honors Program provides an opportunity for qualified students to pursue a more challenging and in-depth study of the field. To help prepare for graduate training, honors students can conduct independent research under the supervision of a Faculty advisor. The results of this research may form the basis of the honors thesis, which students submit before the end of their senior year. Students who complete an honors thesis with at least a 3.5 GPA and take three consecutive quarters of PSY 197 in the process are eligible for Distinction in the Major.
No more than 12 units of Psychology 197ABC and 199 may be applied toward major requirements and no more than 8 units of 199 may be taken P/NP towards our majors.

Senior independent study under the supervision of a Faculty member. The series includes design and execution of an independent research project with scholarly analysis, as well as critique of substantial issues and research written in APA format. The final thesis is approved by two Faculty readers. Prerequisites: Full major status, at least 3 finalized UD PSY courses (12 units) on record, at least a 3.5 UD PSY GPA, and an agreement with a faculty mentor to supervise a research project.